Category: Turkey

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exploring istanbul

Exploring Istanbul’s Unique Blend of Cultures

Exploring Istanbul for Unique Blend of Cultures Throughout Turkey, a fascinating blend of Eastern and Western influences is evident, shaping the cultural landscape of Istanbul and the nation as a whole. Despite not being entirely Westernized or adhering strictly to Eastern traditions, Istanbul embodies a unique fusion of both worlds. Warm Welcomes and Genuine Hospitality One undeniable aspect when exploring Istanbul for its charm is the genuine warmth and hospitality extended to visitors. Whether it’s…
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istanbul gay city guide

Istanbul: Where East Meets West

Istanbul: Where East Meets West in a Vibrant Tapestry of Culture and History Istanbul Vibes. This is where Europe and Asia meet. A land with a history of civilization spanning tens of thousands of years. In a way the birthplace of everything. Napoleon once said if the world were a single country, Istanbul would probably be its capital. A Cosmopolitan Megacity Today, Istanbul is home to more than 20 million people making it one of…
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Digital Detox Travel

Digital Detox Travel Digital detox travel is a type of holiday where you take a break from using technology like phones, computers, and tablets. It’s a chance to switch off from the distractions of modern life. As well as focusing on enjoying your surroundings and spending time with the people you’re with. When you go on a digital detox holiday, you can take part in activities that don’t require technology. For example, you could go…
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Istanbul’s Top Attractions

East Meets West: Istanbul’s Top Attractions With both a European and Asian side, Istanbul really is where East and West meet. Here are some of the city’s top tourist attractions. Sultanahmet Many of Istanbul’s most famous buildings are in Sultanahmet on the European side. Tourists can enjoy the beautiful Blue Mosque, built by Sultan Ahmet I in the 17th century. Or they can take a trip to the city’s past in the Hagia Sophia –…
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